What is Moldavite?

Moldavite - Tampa, FL - Earth Angel Gifts Meta Frequency

Moldavite is the product of a meteor collision with Earth nearly 15 million years ago. It fell over what is now called the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic. These green Gems are among the most rarew minerals on earth. They have been prized by humans for thousands of years and are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. In legend, it is believed Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one’s spiritual evolution.

Even people not sensitive to the energies of stones often feel the energy of Moldavite. Many sense it as heat, tingling or pulsing sensation in their hand. Others feel a rush of energy through their body, usually upwards out the top of their head. Moldavite’s high vibrational energy is a powerful chakra opener, particularly at the heart and above. Sleeping with Moldavite activates the Dreams State. Wearing it helps manifest positive life change.

Chakra: Heart, Third Eye, and Crown

Zodiac: All

Spiritual Healing

  • Increases your kundalini energy
  • Connects you to your guides and angels
  • Speeds up transformation and manifestation
  • Enhances your dream statel great for lucid dreaming
  • Extremely powerful and known to give you an energetic rush
  • Extremely high vibrational tektite raising your vibrations to a new level quickly

Physical Healing

  • Can help those who struggle with asthma, allergies, or rashes
  • Only use if you are ready to bring up the roots of your imbalances because it will create a “healing crisis.”

Emotional Healing

  • Radiates love within yourself
  • Helps remove fears and doubts
  • Boosts feelings of power and will
  • Brings emotional trauma to the surface, which is needed to heal physical diseases. 
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